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"Tu ne peux pas faire disparaître ta colère inconsciente. Tu peux seulement la faire mûrir." la colère est taboue, la pensée en mourra.
Utilisation consciente de la Rage
Alain Damasio, auteur de La Horde de Contrevent
Honnêteté radicale, depuis Brad Blanton et son livre Radical Honesty
Colère consciente ou inconsciente
Tes moyens brutaux de gérer la colère
- Refoules ta colère. (Entres dans le déni, l'illusion auto-créée que tu n'es pas en colère. Juste, ne vas pas là).
- Penses à être en colère. (Laisses les pensées de colère se disputer avec des conflits invisibles dans ta tête. Ne fais pas de bruit à ce sujet).
- 'Catharsise' ta colère. (" Catharsis ", c'est lorsque tu jettes ta colère, comme si la colère était un " mauvais " sentiment, en essayant de te " calmer " et de te " soulager ", au lieu de discerner si ta colère est un sentiment ou une émotion, puis de cathexiser ta colère. 'Cathexis', dans cet exemple, signifie diriger et appliquer cette précieuse ressource qu'est la colère de manière appropriée).
- Projettes négligemment ta colère sur quelqu'un d'autre. ("Tiens, prends ça ! Il s'agit de toi ! C'est ta faute !")
USAGE CONSCIENT DE LA COLÈRE :- Crées un récipient où ta colère peut s'exprimer en toute sécurité. Dans le cas de la colère, utilises-la pour t'informer que le moment est peut-être venu d'établir une limite, de dire ce que tu as peur de dire, de demander ce que tu veux, de dire "Non !" ou "Arrêtes maintenant !", de créer quelque chose qui n'a jamais été créé, de dépasser des limites imaginaires où tu n'es jamais allé auparavant, de faire des démarches, d'explorer, de parler. En d'autres termes, utilises ton esprit pour faire quelque chose d'intelligent avec ta colère.
Que faire si tu es assis sur du carburant pour fusée évolutionnaire et que tu ne sais pas comment piloter un vaisseau spatial ?La rage est la passion qui me montre exactement où aller.
La rage m'enracine profondément dans mon engagement.
La rage me stabilise dans un endroit où je pourrais être enclin à me laisser entraîner dans des comportements de dépendance et des formes de pensée qui ne servent pas les désirs profonds de mon cœur.
La rage, en tant que pure ancre ardente, me ramène au centre et perce les distorsions qui pourraient me faire dévier de ma voie.
La Rage était dans mon corps à cause d'une relation toxique abusive et cela m'a rendu malade. J'ai utilisé la passion du NON à l'intérieur de cette rage pour couper les liens enchevêtrés et littéralement POUSSER la maladie hors de mon corps en coupant les cordes énergétiques qui me maintenaient attachée au mal. Après presque un an de maladie chronique, je me suis rétabli presque complètement du jour au lendemain après une profonde cérémonie d'utilisation de l'énergie de la Colère consciente.
La rage en tant que droiture suprême qui a agi là où il y avait de l'injustice. A l'extérieur, j'étais extrêmement calme, stable et ancré. À l'intérieur, le feu BOUILLONNAIT de la rage de l'injustice. Cette rage me donnait une immense fermeté. Je ne voulais PAS abandonner tant que justice n'était pas rendue. La Rage était une pure puissance chauffée à blanc. Elle était totale et absolue. Elle a déplacé des montagnes. La justice a finalement été rendue.
Comment j'utilise ma Colère ConscientePar Israel Kairós
Je partage avec toi quelques-unes de mes découvertes sur la colère.
1. La colère est très efficace pour m'engager, en accord avec le temps pour développer des Accords en utilisant la peur. Ma Colère Consciente est beaucoup plus efficace. L'attention de la Colère Consciente aiguise mon sens de l'écoute. Cependant, pour entendre ce qui est important pour les autres, ou le besoin réel des autres, qui conduit à la nécessité d'un accord, la tristesse consciente est plus efficace.
Lorsque j'ai essayé d'utiliser ma Colère Consciente pour créer un accord avec mon partenaire, ce fut un désastre. L'énergie de la colère m'a poussé à être plus direct et pratique, ce qui a ouvert un espace pour le mélodrame de la réactivité. Après avoir essayé plusieurs fois, j'ai simplement dû aller dans ma chambre et beaucoup pleurer. J'ai écouté ma tristesse, et elle m'a dit d'utiliser la tristesse pour affiner ma proposition en écoutant plus profondément les besoins de mon partenaire. Le résultat a été incroyable. En 3 minutes, nous avons créé des accords avec beaucoup de connexion en utilisant la tristesse consciente, et ensuite j'ai utilisé ma colère consciente pour m'engager dans les nouvelles expériences depuis les accords que nous avons créés.
2. Je peux utiliser 10% de Rage consciente pour être complètement décroché des ameçons des Gremlins. Il est très intéressant de noter que lorsque je ne suis tout simplement pas disponible pour nourrir mon Gremlin ou le Gremlin de l'autre (sans avoir à dire spécifiquement que je ne suis pas disponible), les Boîtes sont à court de moyens pour créer des tensions ou des conflits, et les Gremlins ne peuvent pas prendre le dessus.
3. Je peux utiliser 15% de Colère Consciente dans mon espace d'écoute transformationnel pour créer un espace Extraordinaire sans domination des Gremlins et des Boîtes. Ma colère me permet de garder mon épée de clarté à portée de main, afin que je sache clairement que je ne veux pas connaître le gremlin ou la boîte de la personne. Je peux alors rester concentré sur le fait d'être en connexion avec l'autre et d'écouter son ÊTRE véritable.
4. Je peux utiliser 20% de la Phase 2 de la Colère Consciente pour créer un contexte dans un Espace d'Honnêteté Radicale, de Responsabilité Radicale et de Relation Radicale où j'invoque l'Adulte dans chaque ÊTRE dans l'Espace.
5. Je peux utiliser 10% de colère consciente pour créer une bulle d'espace personnel et un cordon d'ancrage beaucoup plus "fermes". La façon dont je fais cela est de diriger intentionnellement l'énergie de ma colère dans le 'clic' de mon cliqueur, comme une petite explosion énergétique de déclaration dans mes doigts.Comment tenir l'espace pour quelqu'un afin qu'il libère sa Colère Consciente
Tenir l'espace pour aider quelqu'un à ressentir consciemment sa colère - Il ne s'agit pas de "pousser" une personne à ressentir sa colère, probablement pour la première fois, mais de lui permettre d'apprendre à la ressentir. Les gens sont déjà en colère, tu n'as pas besoin de les mettre en colère. Pousser quelqu'un à ressentir ses sentiments est aussi abusif que de le pousser à ne pas les ressentir. Ton travail de gardien de l'espace consiste à créer un espace sûr pour que ton client prenne le risque d'exprimer une énergie qu'il n'a peut-être jamais connue auparavant.
La sécurité vient du fait que tu fournis des mises à jour du pensiciel et de nouvelles distinctions qui manquent à ton client pour naviguer intérieurement dans sa colère consciente (et sa tristesse, sa peur et sa joie).
La sécurité vient aussi du fait que tu ne peux pas être hameçonné par les stratégies de leurs Gremlins qui pourraient te faire croire qu'ils ne ressentent jamais de colère :- Ils ne ressentent jamais de colère
- Ils peuvent ressentir leur colère sans faire de bruit
La sécurité vient de ton engagement envers leur engagement à grandir en relation avec leur colère.
Voici quelques distinctions essentielles pour apprendre à ressentir la colère :1. L'amélioration de la capacité à ressentir, exprimer et utiliser la colère consciemment se fait principalement par la voix, et non par le corps. Le travail sur la colère est principalement un travail sur la voix, pas sur le corps.
Lorsqu'une personne apprend à ressentir, si elle ne produit pas de sons supérieurs à 21 % de colère intense, elle ne ressent pas sa colère. Elle pense très probablement qu'elle la ressent. La pensée se produit dans le mental. Ressentir se produit dans le cœur.
Demandes et / ou dis à ton client quel est le pourcentage de colère consciente qu'il ressent. S'il n'y a pas de son, le pourcentage est inférieur à 21 %.
Si quelqu'un montre des signes physiques de colère (sueur, agitation, hyperventilation, etc...), et qu'il n'émet aucun son, alors sa colère est INCONSCIENTE. Ce qui signifie que ton client a une barre d'engourdissement élevée, et que sa colère n'est pas exprimée consciemment.
Demandes-lui quelle stratégie de survie il a développée pour supprimer sa colère : implosion, explosion, dépression, hystérie, repli sur soi, ... ?et
Remarques comment ils suppriment l'expérience de leur colère consciente en ce moment, et dis-leur toutes les façons : tu la souffles par la bouche, tu la retiens dans ta poitrine, tu vas dans ta tête, tu as une image de la colère au lieu de te sentir en colère, etc...
2. Si ton client a peur des sons forts ou de faire des sons importants, c'est souvent parce qu'il a été l'objet d'une colère inconsciente dans sa vie - le plus souvent ses parents - qui s'est accompagnée de cris violents. Les sons forts sont donc ancrés en eux par cette expérience antérieure. Le processus de guérison pour être capable d'entendre et d'être bien autour de sons forts est pour ton client de réaliser qu'il a le même son à l'intérieur de lui-même, et que lorsqu'il exprime le son consciemment, il devient plus grand que le son. Les sons ne sont pas plus plus grands qu'eux finalement.
3. Vas-y doucement.Pour un homme, c'est énorme d'apprendre à ressentir consciemment la colère. Cela exige qu'une partie de leur identité meure. Toute leur colère à propos du patriarcat, des sacrifices qu'ils ont dû faire pour être acceptés parmi les patriarches, de la façon dont ils ont dû se déconnecter de la Nature, du Féminin et du Masculin authentique, de la façon dont leur mère a fait d'eux de bons garçons ou a essayé de les "tuer", et ainsi de suite, ... Les hommes ont une énorme colère et dans le patriarcat, ils ne sont jamais autorisés à la ressentir. Ressentir cette colère est une trahison envers la patriarchie.
En tant que gardien de l'espace, gardes à l'esprit que tout cela est à l'œuvre lorsqu'un homme commence à libérer sa colère. Gardes à l'esprit la perspective globale.
4. Conseil pour le guardien de l'espace : Essayes de te rappeler comment tu as appris à ressentir ta colère consciente, ce que tu as entendu ton propre teneur d'espace dire, ce que tu avais besoin d'entendre, ce qui t'a aidé, ce qui ne t'a pas aidé. Gardes un pied dans ta première expérience de la colère consciente afin de pouvoir avoir de la compassion pour ton client, sans le secourir.
- "Je sais que certaines d'entre vous sont très inquiètes à propos des putois sauvages qui s'agitent et crient à tue-tête.
Je comprends cela.
Moi, je m'inquiète davantage de toutes les gentilles filles complaisantes que je vois, qui se pâment et jouent les gentilles. "Maya Luna, Lire l'article ici (en anglais)
(non traduites pour le moment, patience...)
STARR - Calibrate Your Feelings Detector
After watching this S.T.A.R.R. please enter Matrix Code STARRSxx.13 in your free account at the game. (
Love And Rage
STARR - Boundaries (and Holding Space For Making Boundaries)
After watching this S.T.A.R.R. please enter Matrix Code STARRSxx.07 in your free account at the game. (
Experimenting means to practice simple skills that build together into greater competence.
Competence to one woman seems like magic to another.
Magic is competence in an uncommon dimension.
Matrix Code CONANGER.01
By lowering your Numbness Bar, you can sense into the subtlest sensations of Anger, telling you about things you want to change and improve in your life. You don't have to look anywhere else to find the fuel for making those changes, big or small.
Making Changes, Part ITo start this experiment, dive over to SPARK107 and do all the Experiments there. After you have done those, come back here for the 2nd Part of this Experiment:
Making Changes, Part II
Choose a small element of your life that you want to make better. Examples: the cleanliness of your bathroom, your desk, the homepage of your website, the way you are present when someone tells you their name.
Use less than 10% intensity Conscious Anger to make that thing better. Possibilities for doing this:
- Sit down with your Beep! Book. Generate low intensity Anger in your body to sense into the element you chose. Let your anger inform you on what needs to be changed. "I want a shower curtain with wooden rings, not plastic. I want my pens and pencils separated in different containers. I want to repeat every name I hear when I meet the new students tomorrow".
Write down what you find.Choose three actions you will do. Do them. Each time you do them, notice the sensations in your body after. Did it get better?
Keep going until you have 3 success stories. Celebrate.
Describe your experiment and its outcome in your Beep! Book.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CONANGER.01 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CONANGER.02
Choose a larger, more complex thing you want to improve in your life. An agreement, a plan, an assumption, a decision or a story that you hold about yourself. For example, you might want to improve:
- the agreement you made with your partner about how you talk about feelings together
- the assumptions you make about what is possible for you and your creativity
- the story you have about yourself in which you decided you failed miserably by not studying something you liked at university.- Generate up to 25% intensity Conscious Anger.
- Tune into the thing you want to improve.
- Let your Anger tell you what you care about, what you take a stand for, what needs to change, what can be improved, in this thing.
- Decide about a next step you will take, and take it with 25% Anger.
- After a couple of days, describe your experiment and its outcome in your Beep! Book.
- Write an article about what you learned and share it with the world.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CONANGER.02 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CONANGER.03
Your Box is a filter that defines what is possible for you in terms of relationship, family, job, money, Love, time, authenticity, et cetera. When you leave your comfort zone, you arrive at the edge of your Box. When you reach the edge of your Box, you experience Fear and your Box will tell you to back off and stop. This is the way your Box eliminates options and change. Anything outside of your Box you cannot conceive of, see, sense, experience, imagine, describe, or create.
- For this experiment first write in your Beep! Book a list of 20 things your Box won't let you do.
- Lower your Numbness Bar so you can feel your feelings at any intensity. Use your Conscious Anger to rate each thing from 1-5; 5 being where you feel the strongest Anger that your Box won't let you do this thing.
- Choose the thing you feel most angry about, and commit to doing it.
- Do it.
- Have a picture or video taken of you while you are living at the Edge of your Box, and a picture of your face once you're done. Share it with 5 of your friends and ask them to guess what you're up to.
- Write in your Beep! Book for at least 15 minutes about how it went, and the things you learned from doing this experiment.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CONANGER.03 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CONANGER.04
Your Gremlin is a part of you that is dedicated to a specific set of Shadow Principles, your Hidden Purpose.
- Look at your most recently updated list of 50 Gremlin Foods.
- Notice which foods your Gremlin feeds on, that cost you the most in the consequences.
- Of those foods, choose one that your Gremlin feeds on most often.
- Get into First Position.
- Have your Gremlin on his or her leash and tell them: "SIT."
- Use your energetic eyes to make sure they sit.
- Using conscious Anger, tell your Gremlin, by its name, that you have a new job for them. The job is to catch themselves feeding in this way, and notify you.
- Notice how the job assignment lands for your Gremlin. If they squirm, you may need to turn up your anger. When your Gremlin has accepted this job, say, "GOOD."
- For the next week, write daily for at least 15 minutes in your Beep! Book about how your Gremlin is doing at its job. If you need to have another conversation with your Gremlin, have it.
- After another week, write again about how this went, or tell someone from your Gremlin Training 3-Cell, Possibility Team or other Team about the outcomes of your Experiment.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CONANGER.04 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CONANGER.05
This experiment is about experiencing discipline.
- Sit down with your Beep! Book and scan your life. Look for possibilities of practices you want to do, or current practices you could do at a new intensity.
- Choose one. Use your anger to commit to doing this new practice, or an existing practice at a new intensity, every day for a whole week.
- Use your Anger to do it.
- On the third day, write in your Beep! Book how it is going.
- On the seventh day, write in your Beep! Book how it went.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CONANGER.05 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CONANGER.06
Stories are not true. They are Stories. So much of our daily lives consist of Stories. We make Stories up to serve Conscious or Unconscious Purposes. The one True Thing is that everything comes without a Story. Nature is neutral. Things are, and things occur, without any Story attached. Stories take energy to make. If there is a Story attached to something, someone put it there for a Purpose, whether they are aware of that Purpose or not. What is, is meaningless. As someone once said in Possibility Management, "There are only two things in life: bullshit, and nothing."
- Think about someone in your life who you have a story about that is not serving intimacy happening between you.
- Write this story in your Beep! Book, in detail.
- Go somewhere that you can be noisy, maybe to a forest or an empty beach, or in your car.
- Read the story out loud to the trees, the sky, the water, your car's steering wheel.
- Use your Anger to change the story.
- Speak without knowing what you are going to say. Use your Anger to declare a new story about this person. When you have said a new story, be silent and still for one minute while you let the energy of your Anger circulate in your nervous system.
- Tell the new story out loud again. Be silent and still again.
- Tell the new story at least three times, and more if you notice that this is needed for completeness.
- Sense what happened in your bodies.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CONANGER.06 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CONANGER.07
Your Anger tells you what you care about, and is fuel for you to create. This experiment is about using your anger to create an article.
- In your Beep! Book, if you haven't already, start a page with the heading: Things I Feel ANGRY About/Things I CARE About
- For 3 minutes (use a timer), write in a few words a list of things you care about. Add to it constantly.
- Choose which thing you feel most angry about OR choose one thing for no other reason than to START. This is what you will write an article about.
- Read the Write Your Article website with your topic in mind. Notice your Anger. Turn it up.
- Use your Anger to follow through the steps. Keep a towel handy for twisting to turn up your anger. Try writing in RED.
- Publish your article. Send it to 10 people. Coach a friend into writing their own article about something they care about.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CONANGER.07 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code CONANGER.08
Your heart is for giving to the people you love. Your heart is nurtured by intimacy in Radical Relating.
Your soul (your Being) is for giving to your destiny, your Quest. Your Being is nurtured by you being turned on by your project.
This experiment is about distilling what the current Project of your Quest is.
Part I
1. Read SPARK 033. Do the experiment offered there.Part II
1. Get together with a group of Possibilitators.
2. Do 333 together.
3. Take turns, one being the 'Rager' and the others holding space and taking notes. Set a timer for 5 minutes. As a Rager, you use at least 25% Anger to declare:
- "I care about..."
- "I want..."
Turn up your Anger. Keep going. Do not stop to think. Repeat sentences that are meaningful to you as often as you want, deepen them more. You do not have to come up with 188 different things. The spaceholders can give you feedback and coaching as you go on, for you to really tap into your Rage and into what matters to you.
4. After 5 minutes, you are done, tell your team members what most landed in you. Your team members tell you what most landed in them. As a Rager, take notes. Then, the next person rages.
5. Take 10 minutes to write about what you harvested from your Rage. Write down all the details and possibilities that come to mind and heart. Also tap into the unknown, writing more than you know.
6. Choose one action that is the first, next step for realising your project. Let your team members know what this step is.
After completing the experiment, enter a description of your project and Matrix Code CONANGER.08 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CONANGER.09
This experiment is about using your Anger for your project.
- For a whole week, in any meetings, work spaces, and any time you are working on your project, before you begin, go into First Position, consciously turn up your Anger, and say: "I am using my anger to take a stand for this project."
- Use your Anger to take the stand for your project.
Set alarms and put up signs in your workspace to remind yourself to turn up your Anger to empower your project. Turn it up before you make phone calls, write emails, make videos about your project. - Notice how it goes, and on the third and last day of the week, write about it for at least 10 minutes in your Beep! Book.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CONANGER.09 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code CONANGER.10
This experiment is about feeling the effect of using Anger when you are cleaning up. Do this experiment the next time you are facing a physical mess.
- Turn up your Conscious Anger.
- Do all the dishes after a meal for 20. Wash all the dusty windows in a house. Pick up the trash from a beach.
- GO!
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CONANGER.10 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CONANGER.11
Messes happen in all sorts of forms. Do this experiment next time you notice there is an energetic mess. Maybe communication broke down and reactivity and chaos happened. You can sense it in how the space or relationship shifted, and how it is palpable - the 'elephant in the room' sensation. Maybe there was an accident, and the physical mess got taken care of but you can sense energetically there is still mess. For this Experiment:
- Notice the mess and the consequences of the mess.
- Consciously turn up your Anger.
- Clean up the mess. Sense what is needed and do it. If you owe something to someone, give it back. If a communication was not completed, complete it. If you have poop to put on the table, call people to the table and put it there. If a space or your space needs to be cleared energetically, clear it (there are processes for this). Become clear about your true purpose and make a move that is in service of your purpose. Exit the Telegram groups that you are not active in. Create 'Drala' - the capturing of the perception of an awake mind in the space. Move physical objects around in the space until their composition in and with the space hold magical energy.
- Go! Notice the difference when you are done.
- Write about how it went in your Beep! Book.
- Keep Experimenting!
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CONSANGR.11 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CONANGER.12
Become a pioneer in de-zombification.
"A considerable percentage of the people we meet on the street are people who are empty inside, that is, they are actually already dead. It is fortunate for us that we do not see and do not know it. If we knew what a number of people are actually dead and what a number of these dead people govern our lives, we should go mad with horror."
G.I. Gurfjeff
- Study the Zombies website with your Beep! Book at hand, making notes about anything you are up to that would tend to make you appear as if or behave as if you are a Zombie.
- Pay particular attention to anything you might be doing to imitate Zombieness so that the 'powerful' 'authoritative' patriarchal Zombies around you are fooled into thinking you are enough like them, and that they do not have to 'kill' you. Write everything down.
- Choose one of your adaptive Zombie-camouflage behaviors.
- Use your Conscious Anger to change that behavior to be a step more towards being your natural self instead of being your adaptive self pretending to be a Zombie so as not to be noticed as being different from the Zombies.
- Stand your ground. Keep breathing. Notice that you do not have to go against anything in order to be a free-standing Being.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CONANGER.12 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CONANGER.13
In Modern Culture, we have learned to avoid responsibility. We make promises that sound good with no intention of actually doing the thing. We don't even know we are making a promise we are not going to keep, or we pretend we don't know.
- Make a conscious promise at the beginning of a day that you will keep by the end of the day.
- Start with a small promise. Keep it.
- Make a bigger promise the next day. Keep it.
- Make an even bigger promise the next day. Keep it.
- After keeping three promises, write for at last 10 minutes in your Beep! Book about what you learned.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CONANGER.13 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CONANGER.14
For one whole month, make no promise that you don't keep.
- To do this experiment, begin by declaring to your Possibility Team, 3-Cell or another Team that you are making no promise you can't keep for one month.
- Ask them to be on your team about this. Tell them at least one story of a promise that you did not keep, and tell them how your Box and Gremlin work around promises - keeping them and not keeping them. This way your Team knows what to look out for. This is not about them being responsible for you. This is about having a team.
- Once every week, write in your Beep! Book about how this is going. Tell your Team how it is going.
- Write a poem about promises that can't be kept.
At the end of the month, please register Matrix Code CONANGER.14 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code CONANGER.15
- Make a list of 5 things you need to do that you don't really want to do: paying your bills, making a boundary with your neighbour, fixing the leaky faucet, pulling the weeds.
- Pick one.
- Use your anger consciously to go into WHIZZ BANG mode and do it in half the time you would usually do it in.
- You might suck someone else into the WHIZZ BANG space and have High Level Fun doing it.
- Don't forget to shift out of Whizz Bang Mode at the end of it, or you might sleep and dream in half the time you usually do.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CONSANGR.15 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CONANGER.16
When someone says or does something and you get offended, this is unconscious emotional anger that comes from your self-importance.
- Use your Conscious Anger to notice how many times you get offended per day.
- Write each thing that offends you into your Beep! Book.
- Choose one thing and decide to get offended about this thing for one day.
- The next day, do not get offended about this thing.
- The third day, get offended about it again.
- After the third day, write about everything you noticed.
- Make a video of yourself conveying a manual of How To Get Offended.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CONANGER.16 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CONANGER.16
In school and at home we have been trained to leave our hands lifeless. We are supposed not to fidget, doodle, touch or take things as we listen to years of food for our intellectual body in school, or as we 'be good' and wait while the grown-ups to finish their endless conversation with an old neighbour in the street.
The power that drives us to use our hands is up to 7% Anger. This experiment is about learning to use this Anger so that your hands come back to life again. With your hands you can express, shape space, describe, tell stories, show worlds, touch, stop, invite, create, call, direct and establish things, people, energy or sound in a space. Let your hands get Wild again.
- For three days, declare at least 3 times and up to 5 times a day that you are using Conscious Anger to bring your hands back to life. You can set a timer to remind you, and you can make signs on your walls or fridge to remind you.
- Direct the power of your Conscious Anger into your hands.
- See what happens.
- Write about it in your Beep! Book. Angrily.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CONANGER.17 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CONANGER.18
We have been trained to be nice people, have no wrinkles, have a sweet personality, and as a result our face muscles are dead and we have a plastic lifeless faces with atrophied muscles. This experiment is about bringing your face back to life.
- For three days, every morning, every midday and every evening, turn up your Anger and move your face. Move it in all the ways, find new ways to move your face that you never used before.
- During the day, continue to let your face come alive, using Conscious Anger. Use it to express when you say, "No!" and, "Yes!" and, "Stop!" and, "Wait!" and, "Hello!" etc.
- Discover the moments of the day your face is most numb. In the bus, at work, when your partner is watching you. Discover more ways that low level Conscious Anger can bring your face back to life in those moments.
- Ask someone to Mirror you. This means they copy any sound and any movement you make, simultaneously. Go slow enough so they can follow you precisely, exactly like a mirror. Practice all your face movements with this person and watch how their face comes alive.
- Switch. Have them move your face with their face. Explore meditative, tender qualities as well as huge, out of control ones.
- Get it on video and publish it on YouTube.
- Go and have coffee or tea together to celebrate. Drink it with alive faces.
After three days, please register Matrix Code CONANGER.18 and your YouTube link in your free account at This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CONANGER.19
So much of our anger is held in our jaw. We grind our teeth. Conscious Anger is expressed with mouth open and teeth showing.
- Do this experiment with your Possibility Team or Rage Club, as a safe space where you can make noise together.
- Press your fingers into the hinges of your jaw. There will be a sensation of frozen energy there, stuck from being stored in the jaw.
- Keep pressing into the sensation and let the frozen energy flow into the rest of your body.
- Let out the sounds. Move your jaw in new ways. Do not hurt yourself.
- For the next week, massage and move your jaw again at least once a day.
- Write about what you notice during this experiment in your Beep! Book.
After a week you (and your Team or Rage Club) can enter Matrix Code CONANGER.19 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CONANGER.20
Watch three of the 100 Emotional Healing Process demo videos on the Create Possibility website and do it right along with them. We recommend:
#96: Learning To Feel Anger / Boundaries With Mother
#35: 3-3-3 Practice Distinctions
#64: Cleaning Out The Heart And Being Reborn
#54 Making boundary with Dad#32 Reclaiming Anger
- Watch the Client. Whatever they are doing, you do. Map on to that. Imitate it to get access to your own Anger. Learn from the distinctions that get landed in them. Commit to finding the new doors in your own body, and opening them.
- Write for 15 minutes into your Beep! Book about what you discovered.
- Notice in the next days what changed in you. Write about this in your Beep! Book.
- Write an article about what you learned from someone else's Anger work.
After completing this experiment, please register CONSANGR.20 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code CONANGER.21
The practice of 3-3-3 is to do 3 minutes of rage, 3 times a week, for 3 months. It rewires your nervous system and expands the capacity of your Emotional Body to access and experience the energy of Anger.
- Read the 3-3-3 website.
- Watch the video of coaching # 35 with Josef and Clinton where there is the coaching of a 3-3-3. Follow every instruction Clinton gives, and take an energetic photograph of how it can be.
- Do 3 minutes of rage, 3 times a week for 3 months.
- Notice how your experience of Rage changes and evolves over time. Write about this in your Beep! Book.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CONANGER.21 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code CONANGER.22
Clarity does not appear in your mind, contrary to what we have been hammered into at school. Modern culture teaches us that if you understand, comprehend and are logical then you have the tool you need to live life. Actually, our experience has shown us that understanding is a hindrance to life.
Clarity is not held in your mind, it is held in your 5 bodies and in particular, distinctions are held in your energetic body. Distinctions create Clarity. Clarity creates Possibility.
Your Sword of Clarity is an energetic tool. If you try to understand this, it won't work. If you sense it, you can find out how having your Sword of Clarity on your side, or ready for action in your dominant hand, sharpens your ability to make distinctions about this or that, now or later or never, yes or no, me or you or the other person or no one, stop or go.
This experiment is about integrating the sensation of having a sword on your side.- Get a sword, at least 95 cm long. You can get them from an Aikido store, for about 10 Euros.
- One time a week for a whole month, go into the center of town, where there are people. Walk as a warrior or warrioress with your sword and your Conscious Anger and meet people.
- Sense what it takes to inhabit the Warrioress or Warrior. Use your Conscious Anger to be this.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CONANGER.22 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code CONANGER.23
Why do you think Chefs often seem to be angry? They are using their anger to create. This experiment is about using your own Conscious Anger to create.
- Pick a simple cake recipe.
- Make it. With the energy of Conscious Anger. Break the eggs with Anger, beat the batter with Anger, put it in the oven with Anger, and eat it with someone, Angrily.
- Write about it for at least 10 minutes in your Beep! Book. How was this different from other times you have baked a cake?
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CONANGER.23 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CONANGER.24
This experiment is about using more Anger than your Box would normally let you.
- In a Possibility Team, or at a Transformational Party with Possibility Management folk, create an Improvisation Space: a market space, a waiting room, a wedding or any other social place.
- While you do this, the whole thing, for at least 50 minutes, have everyone speak twice as loud as they usually talk, with twice as much force of Anger than your Boxes would usually allow.
- Share about how that went for each person.
- If people are up for more, look for a poem and divide the lines of the poem so everyone has a line. The first person starts with the first line with 5% anger and every next person says the next line with twice as much anger as the previous person until it doesn't get bigger anymore. Improvise where to go after the climax. Use your Conscious Anger to keep going until you can feel it's the End, and to not keep going after that. Feel the end of the Space as a group.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CONANGER.24 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CONANGER.25
People try to learn to juggle in all kinds of states, and it doesn't work. If you use Anger consciously, you can learn to snatch the fucking balls out of the air and keep them where they belong to successfully juggle. Each move is Experimental, and you need to be the Experimenter.
- Take three lemons, oranges, socks with rice in them or three other things.
- Learn to juggle, using your Anger.
- Be sure to distinguish your Anger from emotional frustration. Do not mix it with other Feelings. If you experience mixed Feelings, ask for an Emotional Healing Process
- When you can do it for at least one minute, make a video, using your anger and at the end say, "I DID IT."
After completing this experiment, please put your video online and register Matrix Code CONANGER.25 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code CONANGER.26
In your Beep! Book, write "I am angry because..." and write why you are angry.
Keep going for half an hour. In the middle of the anger writing break your pen and throw it across the wall and get a new pen.
Do this once a day for 3 days. Then edit all that you have written into an Article that might make a difference for someone else because of your distinctions, practical examples, possibilities, and inspiring stories. Publish your article. Please register Matrix Code CONSANGR.26 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CONANGER.27
In public, if possible, do yoga on a mat, in special clothes and do Anger Yoga. GO for it. Use loud sounds. Make faces. Don't hurt yourself.
Do it for at least half an hour, once a day for three days.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CONANGER.27 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CONANGER.28
- Choose a physical skill or activity, like running, swimming, lock-picking or knitting.
- Do it and keep doing it until you notice your Box saying, "This is enough."
- At this exact moment, use your Conscious Anger to keep going. Do not leave your body as a way to avoid feeling the pain. Instead, use your Conscious Anger to break through the little sentence as if you are driving your care through a wooden police barrier across the road. That little Voice has controlled your life until now. You have sold your freedom to that little Voice for so many years... Now you are breaking one of your Box's old rules. You are ignoring the little Voice in your head... Instead: Kabango! You are suddenly through the barrier into a whole new world!
- Notice that there is a part of you that can Observe your sensations and what is going on. Notice what shifts when you become this new Part.
- Write about your findings in your Beep! Book on a page titled: BREAKING THROUGH A BOX VOICE. You have just persisted when your Box told you to quit. Your Box is trying to keep things the same and be comfortable. But you... you may have just changed your mind and decided to Live Full Out!
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CONANGER.28 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code CONANGER.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on Thank you for playing full out!
The gateway to delivering your true calling is initiations into the Adult Ego State.
If you are not stabilized into Adulthood you remain Hookable by circumstances.
- Clinton Callahan